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Approved Housing Bodies Register

AHBRA is responsible for establishing and maintaining a register of AHBs.

You can access the AHB Register in this section.

The Register

The Approved Housing Bodies Register (AHB Register) contains a full list of AHBs that have been deemed to be registered.

This AHB Register replaces the register that had previously been maintained by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

All AHBs should check this register to confirm that the details held are accurate. If you identify any errors or there has been a change in your circumstances, you should contact AHBRA by emailing

The AHB Register includes the AHB’s name and address, together with the AHBRA registration number assigned to each AHB and the status of each AHB.

As AHBRA’s regulatory programmes advances, the AHB register will be expanded to capture non-compliance entries through assessment as well as registration information.

The Register

Click here to download the latest version of the Approved Housing Bodies Register

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