AHBRA’s Assessment Programme
Click here to view our Assessment Policy.
The assessment programme is conducted on a continuous basis throughout the year. When selecting AHBs for assessment AHBRA considers several factors, including:
- Risk profile of the AHB, including size and future growth plans.
- Notifiable events and/or Concerns received.
- Information provided in the annual monitoring programme.
- Random sampling of AHBs.
- Information received from other sources.
AHBRA reserves the right to assess an AHB at any time.
What should your AHB expect?
AHBRA will issue a notice to each AHB that has been selected for assessment. The notice will outline the information that the AHB must provide and will include a submission deadline. The information and documentation will ordinarily be required to be provided to AHBRA in electronic form to assessment@ahbregulator.ie.
AHBs are legally obliged by section 38(4) of the Act to comply with the notice of assessment. This includes the requirement to submit the specified information by the date included in the notice, or any agreed extension, if applicable.
If you cannot send the information in electronic format, please contact AHBRA by email at assessment@ahbregulator.ie or by telephone on 01-224-3900.
General Information
For any other information, guidance or general queries on AHBRA’s assessment programme please email assessment@ahbregulator.ie